House System
Year 7 and 8 students will compete in multiple events per half-term run by different departments to obtain points. All entries receive points, so it is important that each House enters every event. Running totals of points will be announced each half-term. Positive behaviour and attendance will be used to create totals too. The winner of the House Cup will be announced at the end of the School Year.
Haydon's Five Houses

We are Tilbury House
Colour: Blue
We are named after the dock the Windrush moored at in London. It brought a large number of early settlers from the West Indies.

We are Strand House
Colour: Red
We are named after the Street in London which was a regular meeting point for the Suffragettes. They campaigned successfully to ensure women could vote in UK elections.

We are Bloomsbury House
Colour: Purple
We are named after the area of London many of our most celebrated authors worked in. For example: Virginia Woolf, EM Forster and John Maynard Keynes

We are Alexandra House
Colour: Turquoise
We are named after Alexandra Palace. This is where the first regular definition TV Broadcasts were filmed and transmitted by the BBC.

We are Fleet House
Colour: Yellow
We are named after the famous street where many British newspapers were based. The term Fleet Street is used for talking about the British Press which experience great freedom on what they can write about.